[2022_03_17_25]2022年3月16日に発生した福島県沖の地震について(後藤浩之(京都大学防災研究所 地震災害研究部門)2022年3月17日)

 2022年3月17日 11時

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1. 地震の概要 Summary of earthquake

 2022年3月16日23時36分頃に福島県沖を震源とするMj7.4の地震が発生しました.震源深さは57kmと推定されています[1].防災科学技術研究所のHi-netによる震源メカニズム解によると,東西方向に圧縮軸を持つ逆断層地震であったことが示唆されます.本地震のメカニズム解と震源深さは 2021年2月に発生した地震 と似ており,2021年2月の地震はプレート内部で発生した地震(スラブ内地震)と考えられています.2021年2月の地震に比べて北側に余震が広がっていることが特徴的です.

 本地震では宮城県の登米市,蔵王町,福島県の相馬市,南相馬市,国見町で最大となる震度6強を観測し,東北地方において広く震度5弱以上を観測しました[2].この地震では,大規模な停電の発生,および東北新幹線の脱線が発生するなど,影響が見られています.その他の具体的な被害状況に関しては,土木学会地震工学委員会 地震被害調査小委員会のサイト[3],ならびに各機関から公開されている情報[4]等を参考にしてください.

 An earthquake of Mj7.4 occurred at 23:36 on 16 March, 2022 at locat time (UTC: 14:36, 16 March), with the epicenter in the off Fukushima, Japan. The depth of the hypocenter is estimated to be about 57 km. According to the focal mechanism by Hi-net (NIED), it was a reverse fault type earthquake with an east-west compression axis. The focal mechanism and hypocenter depth of this earthquake are similar to those of the February 2021 earthquake, and the February 2021 earthquake is considered to be an event that occurred inside ocean plate (an intra-slab earthquake), characterized by aftershocks that are more widespread to the north than those of the February 2021 earthquake.

 The largest seismic intensity scale by JMA was 6+ recorded in Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures[2]. The earthquake caused a power outage in wide area and derailment of the Tohoku Shinkansen bullet train. For other specific damage information, please refer to the website of the committee on Earthquake Engineering, JSCE[3], as well as information published by relevant organizations.

2. 地震動の概要 Summary of ground motion



 Velocity waveforms and acceleration response spectra (damping constant 5%) of representative records from the JMA and the NIED strong-motion observation networks (K-NET and KiK-net) were compared. At K-NET Soma (FKS001), ground motion with PGA 7.44m/s2 and PGV 0.72m/s with a seismic intensity 6+(6.17) were observed. PGVs 0.76m/s and 0.64m/s were observed at KiK-net Yamamoto (MYGH10) and K-NET Ishinomaki (MYG010), respectively. The amplitude of the east-west component is large at K-NET Soma (FKS001), but no significant difference is seen at KiK-net Yamamoto (MYGH10) or K-NET Ishinomaki (MYG010). Two distinct wave packets can be seen with a time interval of about 10 seconds.

 The acceleration response spectra show different shapes depending on the seismic stations: K-NET Soma (FKS001) shows a peak around 0.8 seconds, while KiK-net Yamamoto (MYGH10) shows a peak around 0.2 seconds and K-NET Ishinomaki (MYG010) shows a peak around 1.5 seconds. On the other hand, compared to the February 2021 earthquake, the spectral shapes of the two earthquakes are quite similar: K-NET Ishinomaki (MYG010) shows a larger response with a slightly longer period than the 2021 earthquake, and the east-west component of K-NET Soma (FKS001) is larger than the 2021 earthquake. As mentioned above, these are indications of the different locations of the source faults and their rupture patterns. It requires more detailed discussion.

謝辞 Acknowledgment

 In this report, I used strong ground motion records of JMA and NIED. I appreciate for the efforts.

参考文献 References

[1] 気象庁:令和4年3月16日23時36分頃の福島県沖の地震の震源要素更新について.https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/press/2203/17d/oshirase.pdf

[2] 気象庁:令和4年3月16日23時36分頃の福島県沖の地震について.https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/press/2203/17a/202203170130.html

[3] 土木学会地震工学委員会 地震被害調査小委員会.https://committees.jsce.or.jp/eec205/

[4] 国土交通省 福島県沖を震源とする地震について.https://www.mlit.go.jp/saigai/saigai_220316.html

文責 後藤浩之 (Hiroyuki Goto)(京都大学防災研究所 DPRI Kyoto University)